They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, well in this case it seems the text message is the clear winner. People of the southeastern port of Xiamen sent more than 1 million mobile phone text messages protesting against the $1.4 billion facility being built by Tenglong Aromatic PX (Xiamen) Co. Ltd. The company was to produce the petrochemical paraxylene, which is said to cause eye, nose or throat irritation in humans when exposed to the chemical even on a short-term basis. Chronic exposure can affect the central nervous system and may even cause death. Paraxylene is used in production of plastics, polyester and film. As a clear sign of peoples sentiments were expressed via the text message, Chinese officials have halted the construction of the plant. Surprising as it may seem, but it looks like the government is finally looking in to the ecological factors instead of only economic factors while making a decision.
“The Xiamen city government has decided to suspend construction of the PX (paraxylene) plant in Haicang District,” a deputy mayor, Ding Guoyan, was quoted as saying by Xinhua News Agency. “The city government has listened to the opinions expressed and has decided, after careful deliberation, that the project must be re-evaluated.” The plant was slated to be 10 miles from the center of Xiamen, where a lot of Taiwanese and Hong Kong investments have been made. The nearest homes were one mile away.