5 Tastiest Features of Android Lollipop

android-lolipopAfter months of teasing and tantalizing us with the name Android L, we know L in Android’s latest version 5.0 stands for Lollipop! The good news is that a lot of people will be able to taste the Lollipop too. Apart from devices which it is going to debut on like Nexus 6, Nexus 9 Tablet and Nexus player, it will be available as an upgrade on Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10, as well as Google Play edition devices, in the coming weeks. A number of Motorola users with devices such as Moto X and Moto G (including the LTE model), Moto E, Droid Maxx, Droid Mini and Droid Ultra will also be able to upgrade to Android Lollipop, the exact date when the upgrade will be possible is not known yet. We will tell you about the 5 best features of the Android 5.0 OS:

android-lolipop-25. Security – One of the major concerns that we now a days is have is Security. Android Lollipop promises more security than ever with SELinux for all applications, which will protect data from malware. Another security feature that will keep thieves at bay is Smart Lock feature, using which you can pair your device to your smartwatch, car or any other device, the phone can only be opened when the devices are paired.

android-lolipop-34. Device Sharing – Android 5.0 will allow multiple users on a single device, now just give the username and password to your friend and they will be able to see your stuff from anywhere and you private data will be hidden. You can also access your phone from multiple devices by signing into another phone having Android Lollipop OS.

nexus-6-93. Battery Life – As we are getting more and more dependent on our devices for every little task, battery life becomes our biggest concern. Android L has a battery saving feature which will help you extend your battery life for about 90 minutes. Google is also working on “Project Volta” which will extend your battery life even further more. Not only that, but the OS will also remind you to charge the battery.

android-lolipop-notifiaction2. Notifications – Android L has much more better and sophisticated settings for your notifications. Just decide how you want the notification to come – loud and clear or just a tiny icon on the side of the screen.

nexus-6-111. Material Design – Android Lollipop is made to run on a variety of devices, it just needs 512 megabytes of memory, so you see it can run on the cheapest phones. Another great feature is that the transition from one screen to another is much more smoother, no change in the experience or the interface. The Android will also be easier to use with the new “fluid, purposeful motion,”

The features look best of the best till now and we can’t wait to get out hands on this exciting new Android Lollipop!