Apple Files Patent – Watch ADs to Unlock Devices

apple_logo.jpg It seems that Apple has decided to add more ‘value added services’ to their devices by filing a seriously outrageous patent. The patent is for a design on products to come with a rather unique, albeit annoying aspect for providing access to devices owned. To simplify, as an example, a device like an iPhone once locked would only be accessible after the user has watched or heard an advertisement played and accurately answered a question or questions pertaining to the same. What that means is, you as the owner of a device would be forced to watch a commercial just so you can access your own information. Not only is this absolutely preposterous as personal devices like mobiles or laptops and such are just that, personal, but it would also be a hugely time consuming process.

This of course could mean that advertisers would greatly benefit and it’s possible that too some extent they could offer the users of this technology some sort of reward for going through with it and we’d definitely deserve it! So it would in all possibility be a choice program that would enable you to purchase products with this system at reduced prices. The question still remains though, is it worth it?