Book Time 5000 – Automatic Manga reader

Here is an alternative to the E-Book readers, instead of glaring at the LCD you read the actual book but instead of manually flipping the pages it is automatically done. The gizmo I am referring to is the Book Time 5000 from Nishizawa Japan. It is the size of a 21 inch television which allows you to place almost any book, once placed just relax and the pages are flipped with the press of a button. There is also an auto mode where you can set the time of the page flip so if you are reading Forbes set it at 8 minutes and 2 mins for Dragonballz and after the time frame the page is automatically flipped. The actual use is not for you Manga loving lazy bones but at public libraries where the aged can read magazines at ease. The Book Time 5000 is available in Japan for 349,650 Yen ($ 3000).
(Video after the jump)

2 responses to “Book Time 5000 – Automatic Manga reader”

  1. I really enjoyed watching that video, it was very stimulating but i don’t see how haveing that box in you house would be efficient

  2. Oh man, ALWAYS wanted something like tis, where i can have my meals and read comics at the same time….