Sony have showcased their all new line of Bravia 4K Ultra HD TVs and it’s something to reckon with. All sets are built with a 4K Processor X1 that offers advanced color accuracy, better contrast and crystal clarity. Entitled XBR X900C, the series also wins the accolade of being Sony’s thinnest TVs yet with edge-to-edge viewing. Coming in size options from 43- to 75 inches, we can expect up to 10 new models. The advanced 4K X-Reality PRO upscaling Algorithm technology enables upscaling of your 4K experience, which means, the final picture output is independent of the quality of the source. The screens will provide resolutions of about 3840 x 2160 resolution, true to its name. The X-tended Dynamic Range greatly enhances the contrast of the displays by promising deeper blacks and brighter LED output.
The magical transformation of average videos into impeccable 4K videos is a palatable proposition. “With content being sourced from broadcast, Blu-ray™, DVD’s or even low-resolution internet videos, we designed these televisions to upscale to 4K resolution so that consumers can get the highest level viewing experience possible,” said Toshi Okuda, Sony Electronics Deputy President. “Sony’s reputation for developing the best picture quality continues with these new products that provide consumers with greater access to what they want to watch, play and hear.”