Cool, over expensive models of supertankers to train newbie sailors

There soon won’t be anything that these young soldiers from Southampton haven’t experienced at sea. Surely, this will give them some useful experience and tips to handle some fearsome crisis when at sea. All thanks to these cool replicas of supertankers that are built mainly for training purposes. “The boats might look like the sort of things your kids play with in the bath, but they are very hard to control”, said Trainee pilot Matt Sicard, 34. “They realistically mimic the movements of a supertanker but on a gentler scale, which makes them ideal for learning on.” It can also be controlled via a remote control to cause false failures and other scenarios.

The bitter pill to swallow is that these will cost the navy quite a bit. £150,000 (~$238,784) to be precise. Now if seen in the bigger picture, most navies will be able to afford this one.