Corby Bluetooth Headset dresses up to match your phone

Samsung’s Corby series of mobile handsets are designed to be colorful and cater to the funky social networking user. Some of the models feature swappable colorful rear panels to suite your mood or if you seriously want to stand out in a crowd. As the perfect accessory for the Corby range Samsung has announced the launch of a Corby Bluetooth enable headset the WEP490. The WE490, aside from also having changeable cases to match the handsets, will also feature some pretty cutting edge technology like noise reduction, echo cancellation and automatic volume control. It’s also designed to be quite efficient by offering users up to 6hours of talk-time. It comes with an LED indicator and single button operation.

The Corby headset will hit the Russian market first and is priced at approximately $45 before it makes to other areas. It’s a colorful accessory for a colorful phone.