Dominos Pizza has been in India for more than a decade now and with much enthusiasm it decided to tap into the rapidly growing internet population by launching its online ordering system late last year. Recently a hacker managed to get away with a lot of customer data by hacking into their server. Though the company is tight lipped on the extend of the damage in an apologetic letter to its customers it shamefully says that ‘We have come to know that someone has hacked our website with malicious intent and with the help of a script, managed to extract some information on customer phone nos, email id and delivery address of some customers. Although this data is not classified information about our customers, still as a responsible corporate we thought its important to inform you about this.. Online privacy is still taken very lightly in India which reflects in the fact that a company like Dominos treats customers address, mobile phone numbers and email as non-confidential and has a privacy policy dated in 2005.
Dominos Pizza website hacked, customer data leaked