Garmin’s navigation system can record, use your voice

Garmin have managed to develop a cool PC application called the Garmin Voice Studio. It is capable of recording your voice, so that you can now direct yourself as you make those tricky turns to avoid traffic jams. All it takes is 20 minutes of your time to record some common phrases used by traffic navigation systems. The company has also released an ecoRoute cable that ‘ties your vehicle into ECU to help you tread lighter on the gas pedal’ as well as to record the results. The applications work for both, the 3xx and the 6xx series navigation systems.

Now what we have to ask ourselves is whether is would be better than the Homer Simpson voice over on the TomTom system that we saw a long time back. However, the obvious disadvantage of this one would be that you wouldn’t be the one voicing the text-to-speech readings of street names, etc.