Golden Disk – a fresh gold wave in the sea of hard drives

This wave of Gold looks so soothing yet so classy. And it’s hard to believe that it’s actually an external hard drive device. Coming from LaCie, this Golden Disk is the creation of an industrial designer Ora-Ito. Offering up to 500GB of storage, the silhouette of this device has been inspired by flowing golden liquid. It is sure to become the focal point for any design conscience customer looking to add glitz to their work environment. It also contains a small percentage of real gold.
For techie details jump over……

It can connect via a single high-speed USB 2.0 interface and offers cross-platform compatibility (with support for Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Mac OS X. The disk features a 7,200 rpm drive with 8MB of cache and an average seek time of 11ms. The LaCie Golden Disk, which bundles SilverKeeper Backup Utilities, can be bought from October onwards from LaCie direct. It will be widely available via LaCie’s specialized dealer network for $190 with a one-year warranty.
Via – Loadedshopper