The Google Glass GDK (Glass Developer Kit) has been updated and with it comes a whole new set of goodies for the glasses. The app developers are testing five news apps for the wearable technology by the search giant. The new GDK tool kit has opened up new horizons for developers and could make things more exciting for the consumers when the product finally hits the shelves.
The new apps listed included – an interactive puzzle game called Spellista; for the golfer there’s GolfSight that can bring up details like the distance to the next hole, scoring information and other course details. Wold Lens takes Google Goggles and translate to a new level giving users the ability to view signs, and other writing in their own language. That will be extremely handy for those with serious cases of wanderlust. Other apps include Allthecooks that will bring up recopies and cooking instructions and Strava which will be useful when riding a bike. The new GDK helps improve on the depth that apps can go to make them a little more interactive and detailed. It also makes using the ability of the various sensors on board the device more accessible. With this kind of development underway and the kind of apps that are being developed, Google Glass isn’t going to be a hard sell for the company.
[Via – Intomobile]