Gullibility of cops costs the UK a total of £1 million

The world economy is crumbling. Period. And to make it worse, we have some intellectually renowned nations that manage to blow away a million bucks (pounds, in this case) on stupid mix-ups at gas stations. Till date, over a period of three years, UK cops have put in the wrong fuel into their cool cop cars 4,709 times! This makes it up to four cars damaged per day. Since the daily damages account to £6,500 a week, a simple math calculation reveals a shocking figure of over a million pounds spent in the last three years! There is some action being taken by a certain TaxPayers’ Alliance who has demanded fuelling information to be made available to them. This demand however has been so far rejected or merely ignored. Do we smell guilt here?

Maybe this is why we used to see cops on horses in several major cities around the world. However, sometime in 2006, in spite of stickers being put up in cop cars in Scotland, declaring them as “Diesel” vehicles, there were still 39 instances of petrol being filled into them. Maybe the cops just do this to get themselves new cars.