GungHo Energy Drink helps turn docile gamers into ninjas

gungho-220x285.jpgEnergy drinks have been known to keep gamers away from sleep and fatigue, enabling them to keep those droopy eyelids wide awake through relentless hours of gameplay. Now, if you’re looking for the perfect way to remain alert and awake through the night as you spend the best hours of your life in front of a screen, we’ve got the perfect drink for you! Toss those old cans of caffeinated nonsense and opt for the GungHo instead, an energy drink custom tailored to soothe and suit the nerves of gamers. Also, from what we’ve heard, this drink gives you the alertness of a ninja! Priced at $2.99, the advertisement seems pretty convincing too, and GungHo could very well turn into the next best way to pump up the adrenaline of vigilante justice junkies too.