Stealth technology, although a reality today, may keep radars from detecting planes but that doesn’t mean the population has gone blind and wont ‘see’ them coming. The movies have also sparked our curiosity. From the Harry Potter franchise to the new G.I. Joe movie we’ve seen characters envelope themselves in material that renders them invisible to the naked eye. That technology is almost a reality thanks to the efforts of researchers at Imperial College, London. Their idea, much like J.K. Rawlings boy wizard, is to have material that would be able to bend light. The cloak that would be made from a special kind of material would allow light to simply go around an object inside instead of allowing it to bounce back to the eye. This technology could also be applied to super-sensitive microscopes and airport security sensors.
The researchers believe the theory of bending light to be quite sound and it could be just a matter of time that we could actually see… or not… some form of clothing that would be able to turn one invisible. On the down side, such technology also has potential for a lot of negative uses, but it’s still nevertheless a step in the right direction as far as technological advancement is concerned.