iLuminate Light-Up Clothing Makes its Stage Debut

iLuminate light-up clothing has been propelled into the spotlight following Chris Brown’s televised tribute to Michael Jackson last weekend. The (debatable) highlight of Brown’s Smooth Criminal number featured dancers in iLuminate clothing doing their thang. The clothing uses iLuminate’s special EL8 system, which is a concoction of wireless electroluminscents (ELs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and low-voltage portable lights which make the dancer look like a cross between a jewel thief and Times Square. iLuminate clothing is suitable for professional and amateur dancers as it can be controlled using anything from an iPhone to industrial lighting systems. Or you could just wear it to make an impression in your local nightclub.

This was the on-stage debut for iLuminate clothing. Let’s hope association with Brown’s cringe-worthy Jackson homage doesn’t make it the end of the line for this electrifying clothing range.