iOS 4.2 code shows hint of MobileMe option

03.jpgNothing seems to seem clear in a foggy, speculative future of the iOS. The iOS 4.2 code has suddenly given rise to a hint of distant shapes forming and the read m.o.b.i.l.e.m.e. Nice. If Apple really seems to be rolling in full MobileMe support into this joint then we may well be seeing a bright, clearer scenario of the new operating platform for Apple’s portables. A little peep into the AppleAccounts framework section speaks about error messages for ‘maximum number of free accounts’ for iPads, iPhones and iPods. More peeping by MacRumors revealed syncing and account access. So what are we seeing here? Another iPhone 3G promise?

Maybe this is what will give Google a chance to worry. They’ve been riding the syncing and integration wave freely because Apple didn’t pay much heed to something as fruitful as MobileMe in their iDevices.