iPed, China’s answer to the iPad runs Android and costs just $105, let the clone wars begin

Now here’s a real shocker, China already has their own version of the iPad and it’s called the iPed. I was kidding about the shocking part of course. Shenzhen, China is where the iPed can be found and it seems this is where the Foxconn plant is located. What’s the Foxconn plant you ask? Well this one of the larger locations where the iPhone and the iPad are manufactured. The iPed is running on Apple’s arch nemesis, the Android platform and appears to be a little heavier than the iPad according to some sites. To authenticate that it’s a knock off, the user manual says APad. However, whatever company has developed this touchscreen tablet/iPad clone, they’re charging just ¥9,600 which comes up to a mere $105 (USD)for it, while the iPad, that just launched on Japan is priced at ¥48,800 which is about $536. Tough choice.