All that effort of getting down on one knee, spending a fortune on a solitaire and mustering all the courage a man could, comes to nothing if you cannot capture the moment. Most women weep with joy, others behave all crazy while others sink into emotional sobs. Whatever the reaction, it’s got to be captured and what better way than the Ring Cam to make this possible? The camera is strategically placed to make sure that every expression is captured. The camera comes with a wide-angle lens to make sure that you get the subject and the surroundings. Of course, it can ensure that your moments are captured but does little to ensure that your lady will give you that desired nod.
Great memories do come at an expense. You would need to cough up anything between 20,000 to 50,000 Yen ($167 to $417) to get your hands on this one. But if you’re investing in a $10k ring, then this would be a piece of cake.
[Via – Nlab itmedia co]