Lapka Environmental Monitor hooks up with your iPhone to keep a tab on your surroundings

The revolution towards the eco-friendly and the green is well and truly ‘in’ and irrespective of whether you brand it as a marketing gimmick to take away a few more of your dimes and pennies or you believe that it is an essential lifestyle change for a better future, the fact is that the trend is here to stay. Both consumers and product makers are now becoming more and more aware of the fact that they need to opt for sustainable and energy consuming technology and Lapka Electronics is all set to come out with an iPhone app along with 4 cool sensors, which will help you measure the world that surrounds you and how ‘cool’ it really is.

The Lapka Environmental Monitor is designed to sync up with your iPhone, along with the special app that it offers, to give you a complete and detailed analysis of every place that you visit. And this is by no means a fun toy to use as the device gives you both accurate and ‘professional standards’ readings, which will enable you to take up a more planet-friendly lifestyle. The first of the 4 sensors detects atmospheric radiation using particle count, the second uses a stainless steel probe to probe organic matter, the third gives an idea of electromagnetic pollution by measuring EMF fields and the last sensor offers humidity readings.

Lapka will be available apparently somewhere during this holiday season and it will set you back by good $220. (Told you this was no toy!) But it sure does offer the very best when it comes to measuring a locality’s and product’s eco standards.
