LG Smart TV user finds his USB data compromised on LG servers

Smart TVs are totally in and cool and all but then are they really gateways for data thefts? A new LG Smart TV owner cried out to the world claiming that LG was collecting information from his personal data repositories such as USBs, even when the collection of information is turned off. Now the real issue is that this is not wholly denied by LG as they have smartly added it as part of the Terms and Conditions. A similar flag was raised against Samsung Smart TVs some time back. The blogger, DoctorBeet, did a bit of study and came across what they call a “creepy corporate video” for LG Smart Ads, which claims to have an “intelligent platform” that analyzes users’ favorite programs based on keywords and their online behavior. These are made out by customer eye tracking tests. A lot of this can be read at DoctorBeet’s blog. Head after the jump to read LG’s response.

LG responded to DoctorBeet, stating, “The advice we have been given is that unfortunately as you accepted the Terms and Conditions on your TV, your concerns would be best directed to the retailer. We understand you feel you should have been made aware of these T’s and C’s at the point of sale, and for obvious reasons LG are unable to pass comment on their actions.” A Korea University security researcher by the SeungJin Lee had predicted this once, saying that if you own a Smart TV, “Do not allow your TV to see your bed.” Words one should totally heed.

[Via – Networkworld]