Lime Green Motorola RAZR

Frankly speaking I have lost count of the number of colors the RAZR is available. After Black, Blue, Red, Pink, etc here is the Lime Green RAZR. Though it is not officially announced by Motorola yet the images look pretty convincing.


71 responses to “Lime Green Motorola RAZR”

  1. Yeah this is pretty cool. i would never want a bright green phone though, but i’m sure that was thought about before the pink razr. It’s the super sexy “Green Honda ELement” green that’s so attractive, i think .Definately a winner.

  2. hey i really want this lime green razr for x-mas. i want to know where can i get it and for how much. please i am desprate for this phone. this x-mas wont be very merry without it-thanx!

  3. Hey, this phone is my favorite color. Where can i get it and how much does it cost, and does it come in Verizon Wireless. If my mom kows how much it is and where to get it she’ll get it for me for x-mas.

  4. i want this phone for christmas, is it available for cingular customers and when does it go on sale!?

  5. thats a cute cell but i want the ice blue razr now that is soo cute i want it sooo badly…guess what im getting it 4 x-mas haha dont hate bitches

  6. HEY, like where can i get this phone….um…when is it going to be out for sale?? (like the offical date)….(OO, and I need anwsers quick I might change my mind)

  7. OMFG! i want this phone so badly and if you like dont put it into stores i will be SO MAD and all of hteise other people will too! how much is it? and can i get it at kentucky oaks mall A.S.A.P?????????????????????????? PLEASE!

  8. OMG!!! i want this phone soo bad!! will it be out before febuary cause thats when i upgrade. will it be avalable for verizon wireless customers? bye bye

  9. I want this phone so bad is it avalable for verizon customers?
    Also will it be out before febuary?………Thanx………

  10. I saw an Alltel commercial where Chad is using this green razr so I would assume that Alltel will be getting them.

  11. Hey and hello i am getting this phone from my gramma so pleez tell me if its out!
    i need to know!
    my gramma needs to know too!
    i, just pleez tell me the info who ever can!

  12. this is the korean version….thats why those 3 metal dots are on the back for the type of charger they use over there…thats why it doesnt have the usb port

  13. OMG i luuuuv this cell please tell me when it gets out….also tell me about the ice blue cell that sounds awesome too!!

  14. I want this phone but my cousin said that i cant have it… I have a silver razor… might break mine so i can get the green one!! 🙂

  15. yeah my wife wants this lime green phone too and she is with sprint so i hope i can get it for her soon she has a b-day coming soon it would be a nice presant for her…….

  16. i sell these lime green razr’s on ebay. i also sell the neon orange and the neon green. ebay id:powellsvinyl

  17. This phone is in my favorite color. Please let me know when it is for purchase. Please tell me Alltell is going to get this phone???

  18. omgg i loveee it. greens my favoritee color! its so cute i want it. DOES IT HAVE IT AT T-MOBILE?? please tell me it does.

  19. I luv the green Razr! Please tell me that Verizon Wireless has this phone. when does this phone come out in stores because I want the phone for my B-day because I’m turning 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I luv the green Razr! Please tell me that Verizon Wireless has this phone. when does this phone come out in stores(exact date) because I want it 4 my B-day!!!:)

  21. You guys should totally make this color RAZOR Green is my all time favorite color and i’m in love with this phone!!!!! =]

  22. I need the Lime Green Razr (Lazr)! I am begging everyone for it but no one will get me one!:(

  23. this phone is pimpin and its totally cool because it is lime green

  24. omg LOVE the colour!!!
    when is this phone coming out and where abouts can i find it???

  25. i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want this phone times infinity. when does it come out and how much is it?

  26. OMG. i love this color & i really want it so plz tell me when & where i can get it ASAP! 😀

  27. this is not a lime green razor.This is the razor i don`t want so can i see a lime green razor

  28. ohhhh i’m getting a razr tomorrow i’m so excited …i hope they’ll have lime green in…is it out now? Because i so totally want this PHONE!!

  29. well sorry to say guys but ive already recieved the most awsome and recent LIME GREEN RAZR!!!

  30. when can i get this and does it come in T-Mobile?
    Where can i get this sweet lookin phone cause i want to be the first in Lake Orion to get it

  31. I LOVE LIME GREEN!!!!!1
    When and where can i get this awesome phone ???
    will this phone come out for T-Mobile??

  32. omg. this is my favorite color. will they have it for t-mobile and where can i find it?

  33. I love the color green and razr;s are great phones, I want one so badly and would pay good money for one!!

  34. hey this phone better come out for T-Mobile
    and when does it go on sale o and when does it come out email me!!

  35. green is my favorite color and i would love to have this phone
    could u please tell me where i can get it and how much it would cost and does it come in at&t

  36. i bought mine on ebay yesterday. we’ll see if it’s actually green when it comes..
    you can buy them online unlocked so you can get them for any network.

  37. i have this phone it is so cool i love it it comes with a knew feature digi remiders yes you can purchase this anywere

  38. i NEEEED this phone. that is it. i NEED it. is it available for Verizon???? and if so when will it b out?

  39. i like the lime green razor it’s so cute can i get one being a verizon wirless customer?