Mercedes-Benz has unveiled its very own futuristic interiors by the name Dynamic & Intuitive Control Experience (DICE) which comes laced with augmented reality, a fully customizable dashboard and gesture-based controls. The most enchanting feature of all here is the sheer absence of any sort of a knob or button. A video shows DICE in action and reveals its basic elements such as a series of proximity sensors which detect hand motions, allowing you to scroll, select and control a variety of functions. It also lets to get information about things you come across in the neighborhood you are driving in, besides letting you connect with your friends nearby. Basically, it lets you everything that any hi-tech system on the market already does but in a much futuristic flavor.
There are few hiccups here like there being absolutely no way for the system to detect if you’re motioning or just have your hand out. The actual market-ready version will probably come out in the next 20 years so the auto-maker has enough time on hand to correct these kinks.