Motiif ‘M’ – a smart-trenchcoat that’s LTE capable and offers charging ports for your iPhone and Galaxy S4

On a personal note, I love wearable technology. From the Pebble to Nike + Shoes even have Wi-Fi editions, Jawbone, the Go Pro camera, Google Glass, even the T-shirt that lets you know you’re in a Wi-Fi zone when it lights up, they’re remarkable ways of how technology can aid us in simple but effective ways just by wearing it. We’ve even covered Shirts and trousers that have their own built-in coolers and jackets with recharging solar cells. And now from Motiif we have ‘M’ a 4G LTE enabled, smartphone charger equipped trenchcoat. The designers have ensured that the bulk of the charger (located in the breast pocket) will not be visible nor will it take away anything from the overall chic design.

The coat will be fully compatible with an iPhone 4 as well as the new 5 series of devices as well as the Galaxy S4 and S3 so you’re covered (pun intended) The handsets simply slip into the pocket charger that’s built-in and capable of charging devices at least three times over. The coat can then be recharged by hanging it up on a wireless charger. As for the LTE networking, it’s via Karma’s pay-as-you-go scheme that gives you up to 1GB of data per month for free for the first three months. Post that it works out to $14 per GB for speeds ranging between 3-6Mpbps. It’s due to hit stores by Feb of next year but there’s no word on the price tag.

[Via – Slashgear]