Mail order products are known for their wackiness but Japanese mail order products take it to the next level. Take the MPION MP3 player made by some anonymous manufacturer. It gives users a facial when listening to music, sounds crazy ? Apparently the 128 MB MP3 player which holds upto 15 tracks has a negative ion generator slapped on its back. According to the manufacturer negative ions clean the skin pores when applied to the face and are far effective than the traditional soap and water.
The MPION MP3 player is available in Japan only for a ridiculous price of 20,790 Yen ($ 170).
Via – Gizmodiva
One response to “MPION MP3 player give users a facial too”
MPION MP3 Player is Expensive, But Good for Magical Facials
When you get tired of listening to its measly 128MB worth of music, slap this MPION MP3 player up against your face and it’ll give you a nice soothing facial. Get your mind out of the gutter, not that kind…