NEC ceiling lamp doubles as Bluetooth speaker

Yes, ceiling lamps are pretty and all but what they do during the day time is just sit there, waiting for the sunlight to dissolve. NEC Lighting has come up with a smarter geekier means to use the classic lamp with more than just a little benefit. The company has introduced the ‘CrossFeel’ Series 4 Lighting Technology that offers Pioneer speakers withing lamps. It is available in two design versions, namely 8 Tatami and 12 Tatami. Tatami mats are used in Japan and are made with rice straw or even polystyrene foam. The speakers offer built-in amplifiers for Bluetooth playback from iOS or Android devices. It also comes with an app to control brightness of light and music playback.

Based on the size the pricing ranges from 60,000 ($738) Yen to 80,000 Yen ($983).
