When discussing handheld gaming devices the iPhone and iPod Touch are in quite a league f their own. The competition is getting ruthless. It’s reached a point where the president of Nintendo has apparently stated that the company has to make some very serious changes if they are to survive the onslaught of the almighty iPhone although he himself is an Apple product user and denies any talks of rivalry between the two companies. Nintendo’s portable gamming console, the Nintendo DS isn’t really having a good year. Reports of their earnings say that their profits have taken a serious pounding and declined form 133 billion yen a year to 64 billion yen. To boost sales, Nintendo has finally decided that it’s time for a change and is gearing up to launch a new DS device being called the DSi LL in Japan this month.
The larger DS device will sport dual 4.2-icnh displays, which is a large improvement over the previous models. The DSi LL will come with a price tag of $222 and that should give Apple a little competition although it’s possible that that won’t be too much.