Grow your own vegetables indoor with smartphone-controlled Niwa hydroponic garden

hydroponic-gardenIn the contemporary urban household setup, it’s almost impossible to grow plants let alone coming up with your own produce and fresh food, but scientists have been trying to find a way to grow vegetables and food items in an indoor environment. A UK startup named ‘Niwa’ has developed a product which goes by the same name and in all probability is the most technically advanced solution to this problem. Niwa is an amazing hydroponic gardening system that has been perfectly designed and developed to fit into your living room. Hydroponic gardening is a technique for growing plants without soil and instead the nutrition is supplied using water to promote growth.

Hydroponic gardening is generally a fairly complicated process but Niwa makes the whole thing very simple and easy by packaging the complete setup into a self-contained pod controlled by a smartphone. Agnieszka Nazaruk and Javier Morillas, who are co-founders of the company, created the high-tech plant container and the controlling app as a part of their aim to make it easy for food to be grown indoors. The dedicated smartphone app can be used to control a wide range of environmental variables inside Niwa, including temperature, humidity, light, and airflow. As of now, Niwa is not available for sale but the company plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign to get the project off the ground.