Optimus Organic LED keyboard coming on Feb 1st ?

The Optimus keyboard from Moscow-based Art.Lebedev Studio’s looks like a normal keyboard. But it is the first keyboard made with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) on every key. In short every key stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling and can display any image or key instantly. With the Optimus keyboard you can say goodbye to purchasing kits and extra keys for different languages, games, programs and the list goes on. You can switch from Japanese alphabets to Battlefield 2 instantly. The keyboard is OS independent (SDK will be available), changing the icons is just like changing your desktop you can assign for eg the space bar can have any image you want. The following is an image of the Optimus keyboard setup to run Quake.

The keyboard will have an aluminium case and polycarbonate keys and appears to be launching February 1, 2006. It may be priced at £200 ($ 350)
Via – Gizmodo and Legit Reviews

Additional block of keys on the left is meant for switching
between programs or modes


Russian upper-case