Oregon Scientific SmartGlobe – The first internet-updateable globe!

The new version features interactive lessons; complete with 30 English and 6 Spanish activities. Quizzes about countries, capitals, major cities, populations, languages, currencies, time, distances, history, science, and current events are a great way for the whole family to learn about the world. Rather than use, your finger to point to countries use the pen, and it will regale you with details about whatever you wish. Be it currency info, the local wildlife or landmark inventions it can fill you in on everything you didn’t know you wanted to learn. When attached to your computer via USB it performs weekly updates on information and you get a selection of quiz games included to test your knowledge. You can set it to work in a selection of languages, from English to Mandarin Chinese, and because you can update it, it is going to stay with you for a really long time.

The Smart Globe Deluxe would do well in schools, and it would also be a great ‘learning disguised as fun’ present to give to kids. The device will set you back by approx $199.95, but lets not forget that accurate knowledge is priceless and powerful.