Panasonic today announced the HDC-SD7, the smallest and lightest full-HD video camera to date. It can record up to 90 minutes of HD video on a 4 GB SDHC memory Card which is included in the package. The new camcorder features 10x optical zoom Leica Dicomar lens designed for crisp, clear HD recording and 2.7” LCD display. The Advanced O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer) incorporated in the camcorder detects and compensates hand-blur about 4,000 times a second, this reduces blurry images caused by unsteady hands to about one third. This system is essential for full-HD recording and viewing as the finer the resolution becomes, the blurrier images become on a large-screen HDTV.
The HDC-SD7 also features a smart Pre-Rec function that helps the user to capture the anticipated sudden movement. This function allows the user to “go back” and capture the precious moment that would have otherwise been missed. The Panasonic HDC-SD7 measures 52 x 110 x 87 mm and is as light as 290 g, making it the smallest and lightest in the world. It will be available from September 8 in Japan.
Via – Fareastgizmos