Passive Technologies intros LifestationHD, HD and Blu-ray combo

The Lifestation HD from Passive Technologies is the beautiful combination of Blu-ray and HD-DVD drive. The body boasts of a machined aluminum case design and is handcrafted by one of the world’s finest manufactures & finishers. The device offers silent operation courtesy their third generation DynaChill 3 cooling system. The fan less design means you can enjoy all the processing power of a similar video and audio power without the distraction of noisy fans. Their mirroring technology ensures your precious media is projected from disk failure and your system remains available day in day out. Depending on your needs up to 1.5Tb of storage can be specified with up to 9Tb additional storage available with the optional lifeServer.

Passive Technologies’ new LifestationHD unit features an “audiophile grade” audio, and comes with a Bluetooth remote and keyboard also available as an option. There is no word the pricing but since most of the features come custom-installed, it’s sure to cost a bomb.