Pepsi Strong Shock Promises to be an Explosive Soft Drink

Never shy of pushing the limits, this latest product may be the most fantastic Pepsi Japan has dreamed up, to date. Pepsi Strong Shock is the ultimate party starter for those who need a kick to get them on the dance floor, or wake-up call for those who had a big night and are suffering the morning, or afternoon, after. It goes without saying that Pepsi Strong Shock has extra caffeine. What gives it the edge is the extra carbonation that necessitates a warning sign on the top of the can – to “please wait for 15 seconds before opening”. Pepsi Strong Shock sounds like a cross between an eco-warrior’s nightmare (think of the carbon emissions) and a schoolboy’s dream (can you imagine the explosive potential of a shaken can of this ‘soft’ drink?)

In case green tea flavored kit-kats and ‘Kare-Pan’ (curry-filled donuts) weren’t enough to get your taste buds racing, this is another item to add to the list of weird-and-wonderful things you can sample in the land of the rising sun.