Samsung Galaxy 2 rumoured to be released as Galaxy Within, courtesy Sprint

It was hard to believe at first, but if the pictures of the branded handsets based on the Galaxy S II and the report doing the European rounds are to be believed than the new released handset of Samsung Galaxy S II will be bearing both Sprint and Sabut msung logos alongside an 8 megapixel camera. And given that the texture and the camera is the same as we were expecting of the SII models, this may turn out to be true too. And if released, the phone is likely to be called Galaxy Within — tentatively launching in a matter of a few days or weeks — and will be marketed as a high-end alternative to the EVO 3D. The good news however is that the model will still be powered by Android 2.3.4, which means Google Talk video will operate right out of the box! Is the S in SII stands for shocks or surprises, one wonders?