Samsung launches new HMX-Q10 camcorder

Gone are the days when a vacation or a birthday party was not complete without our video camera. But off late thanks to the plethora of devices and media gadgets, there does not seem to be enough market for video cameras. However, Samsung Electronics believes to never give up and so have unveiled its new camcorder, the HMX-Q10. For amateur filmmakers, this product will come handy as it features a BSI CMOS sensor, the innovative Switch Grip technology as well as the Easy Operation and Smart Access user interface (UI).

The camcorder is slim, compact and is of light weight. It can also be used as a photo camera of 4.9megapixel clarity. People can also use its manual mode settings such as White Balance, Exposure Values, Backlighting, Self Timer, and C.Nite through the intuitive interface.