After whetting our appetite with the announcement of the SC-HMX10 high-definition camcorder, almost six months ago (at CES), Samsung has finally revealed the dishy details. The SC-HMX10 is an AVCHD-based camcorder that offers 720p recording that can be stored on the built-in 8GB of flash memory or an SDHC memory card. It has a 1.5-megapixel CCD sensor and 10x optical zoom lens, 2.7-inch LCD, an HDMI jack that lets you hook onto an HDTV. It comes with a dock that offers USB and component video connections plus we assume that the HDMI jack is on this dock. A point worth noting is that this camcorder has no optical image stabilization, but its electronic image stabilization should help if you’ve got shaky hands.
Samsung also gave details about the flash-based standard-definition camcorder, the SC-MX10. This one has a 34x optical zoom lens, 680,000-pixel CCD, and 2.7-inch LCD, and records MPEG-4 video to an SD card. This one too has electronic, rather than optical, image stabilization. The SC-HMX10 will be out in September for $850 and the SC-MX10 will cost about $350 when it starts shipping this August.