Sony Playstation 3 further details

With the Playstation 3 launch just around the corner, Sony has released further information about the next gen console. The PS3 is a power hug and consumes around 380 watts of power more than double the Xbox 360’s 160 watts and eight times the PS2’s nimble 45 watts. So spending an average of 4 hours a day on the machine will add approx $ 80 to your yearly power bill. Coming to the files supported included in the list are MPEG-2 (PS and TS), MPEG-1, H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC / SP video formats and MP3, ATRAC (but of course), AAC, WAV audio formats. Also supported are various image formats like JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF and PNG. The optical drive in addition to BD-ROM games can read BD video, BD-R/RE, DVD±R/RW (VR-Modes also supported), Music CD’s, SACD along with support for AVCHD media.

Just to refresh your memory the Sony PS3 goes on sale in Japan on November 11th and USA on November 17th. Whereas it will be launched in Europe and remaining markets by March 2007.
Via – SCEI Japan

36 responses to “Sony Playstation 3 further details”

  1. PS3 Twice as Power-Hungry as XBox 360

    Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 3, due on US shores on November 17, sucks up 380 watts of power, a far cry from the PS2 which sips a mere 45 watts. That means the PS3 uses more than twice the 160 watts…

  2. Absolutely wrong. It has a 380 watt power supply. That’s no indication it actually draws that much!

  3. This thing’s going to be more of a disaster than the XBOX 360. The best theory on why the 360’s hardware defects is that the system runs so hot that it eventually destroys its internal components. By pumping more energy into the PS3 it seems like the system will probably generate even more heat and also fry its internal components. Could Sony have forseen this and included technology to combat the heat? Doubtful. Like Microsoft, Sony only cares about how well their products work on paper and in press demonstrations. Neither company cares how well their products work in the real world and what’s why both of them have earned reputations for releasing utter sh**t onto the market.
    To anyone who manages to buy one of these things: buy an extended warrenty and an extended warrenty for your extended warrenty. You’re going to need it.

  4. About 4 cents a day. I have 2 500 watt computers running in my house 24/7 So really its nothing more then the average person. So not really a big deal unless your cheap in which case you probably wont have a PS3.

  5. damn thats alot of powerfull when that thing its all heat up and ran along time i bet it very nosiey

  6. The actual cost of 380W is the damage of 6 million PS3s to the environment. So roll on PS3, roll on carbon dioxide, roll on fossil fuel deprivation, roll on environmental disaster. Nice one Sony.

  7. If you can shell out $600 for a game console, I am pretty sure that $80 a year in power is nothing, specially stacked up to the $60 you are going to drop on every game 🙂

  8. “Neither company cares how well their products work in the real world and what’s why both of them have earned reputations for releasing utter sh**t onto the market.”
    LoL. Sony doesn’t release “utter shit” anywhere. They’re HDTVs are top notch. I haven’t had any problems with their CD-players either. And our PS2 has lasted for ~5 years without any problems.
    Sony is a hardware manufacture first, software second. And that really shows in their products, whereas Microsoft is a software developer first, hardware second, which also shows in their consoles. Of course, as always, when there’s new technology in question, some will malfunction, but I severly doubt PS3s are going to overheat as much as Xbox 360s.

  9. how do you get $80 a year from a 380w supply at 4 hours a day , even when the system wont be drawing that much at a constant rate?

  10. um, how od u kniow that the PS3 wont have defects, or it will consume that much… it hasnt come out yet and the defects is a matter of the system, you cant just say, My Ps3 dosnt have any, cause i said so, if you dont even have one yet
    besides, if it does consume that much, noones ganna want to buy one, thats like sucking the f***** money out of our pockets.
    i dont work hard like that to spend most of it on stupid sony and their nonsense

  11. La PS3 consumirá 380W

    A los problemas de la PS3 se le suma otro más y es su consumo, de 380W me parece una autentica barbaridad para una videoconsola, un ordenador que consuma eso ya es un ordenador "grandote" a todas vistas no creo que una consola deba consumir a…

  12. It also is disturbing that Sony is using a lower quality capacitor that has been shown in the past with the ATI cards to fail prematurely with the slightest heat. Trying to save a few bucks I guess.

  13. I love the way everyone is droning on about power consumption and ‘OMG 380W’. The next generation graphics cards from ATI and Nvidia are rumoured to draw that much power ALONE (so that’s without the other compnents of a PC to worry about) and to combat this, we’re seeing 1Kw PSU’s coming to market.
    Sony have done well to combine graphics, CPU, Media Drives et al all into a 380Watt supply.
    And most of you must be fu**king clairvoyant in saying they’re all gonna blow up and break really easy etc – they’re not even released yet – base your opinion on fact – not imagination.

  14. The PS3 is almost completly covered in vents and god knows how many fans. It has already released in Japan where I just so happen to have freinds and they have all sead “it’s a little loud (nothing compared to a computer) but there is absolutly NO problem with heat” the PS3 runs much much much cooler than Xbox 360. One of sony’s main concentrations when designing the PS3 was not ony a stylish look and somewhat revolutionary gameplay but the cooling of the system was held above all. If any of you have seen the PS3 NOT the concept you would aready know this.

  15. For the most part, I believe the PS3 will be fine, with a few units having issues. Mostly, the concern I have is the people who will not be able to afford it, or do not plan to buy to keep for themselves, but to sell them (I think I saw some on Ebay for $1600 now). Most stores will be handing out tickets, and uneducated morons will probably be selling them, and idiots will buy them. When you see things like that, it’s really sad what this world has become…or has already been. It’s no wonder why it is the way it is now. Even something as small as getting a game system can bring out the worse in the best of people. I hope no one will get hurt in this process on Friday.
    As for the people who say their game system breaks or dies out on them after a few days/weeks or even a year…how do you people treat your game systems? lol As technology gets better, the quality of time is obviously enhanced, but the quantity or amount of life most technology becomes shorter. In most cases, you can never get something great without sacrificing something great in return.
    However, I have seen many people not treat their systems with care, and anything you do not take care of will always break. If you kick, punch, throw your controller like a child because you are pissed off at the machine, eating while playing and getting grease/oil on it, forcing in the disc, and let a lot of dust collect on it; then of course it will break. And many blame it on a defect of the console, but really, it is people’s poor habits that cause the malfunctions most of the time. Of course, not many will admit to it out of ignorance, but can all of you say you have treated your system with the most care all the time?
    Anyways, good luck to all of you trying to obtain a PS3 this Friday =). If you do so, be civilized about it. No punching, kicking, etc. lol
    Good luck!

  16. I was just recently in target and they had the sample were you can actually play the Demo of a couple of games for PS3. It was Frozen and i wasnt evan able to play it. I hope this is not what’s going to happen with this new system!

  17. Yes, but they could make a intercooler like the 360.
    The Ps3 is so much more powerfull then the 360 along with the better games and blue ray and blue tooth already installed and a blue ray player alone is about 900$ its cheaper with the ps3 it should have some problems but nothing serious at all

  18. PS3 not that good. It won’t play PS One games. So that means it won’t even read Final Fantasy VII. Hope Sony fixes the defect before they manufacture more ’cause Final Fantasy is one of the best game for PS One. Get to Work and fix your Defect!

  19. Not only does it draw more power, thus generating more heat, but the power supply is inside the case. Anyone who has held a laptop across their knees for long periods knows how hot they get and how difficult it is to keep them cool with the limited space inside. The power supply in the laptop I am typing on now is only 90 Watts, and the bottom of my laptop gets hot enough to make a deep red burn on my legs through my jeans. I predict after several weeks of nearly non stop play, some will start reporting heat related burnout. The demo units in many stores are already showing signs of glitching and freezing up after being on for just a couple of hours, and all they do is sit there and run demos and FMV sequences. Imagine how hot they would get with a powergamer sitting in front of it for 12 or more hours a day.

  20. ps3 is kick ass but it is way to expensive.
    if the ps3 does have gliches then why the hell did sony keep it in and not realse it when 360 came out you would think they tried to fix it just a little.
    guess not if there is gliches
    sony cares a hell of a lot more than microsoft does.
    add my email ([email protected]) i am 16/m/B.C.

  21. ur all nooooooooooooobs xbox has way more power look at the tech sheets i know im a engineer and i am also a 3d model designer so sorry but if u thinks pps3 is good ur a nooooooob

  22. well i think that the playstation 3 is alright but the problem is that i just dont see were the hardrive is…were is it please let me know…to me i think that xbox 360 will just take over the playstation 3

  23. I love how anyone can just say they are an engineer nowadays, really defaces the title for those of us who went to school for upwards of 6 years to have that title. Facts withstanding, the Ps3 has more potential than the Xbox 360. But only if developers are taking advantage of the cell. Video cards? More or less the same between the two, albeit the 360’s is slightly more powerful as a result of the 10MB embedded DRAM, which buffers performance and helps improve performace while using things like anti aliasing and anistropic filtering. The Ps3’s power lies under some extremely complicated programming for the Cell, which is unfortunate, because smaller developers won’t have that kind of time to actually take advantage of it. The 7 synergistic processors are extremely impressive, but nothing on the market is remotely similar. Basically, the 360 will have better looking games for a while yet, until developers get a grasp on the Ps3’s architecture.

  24. Ok, couple of thing here; first off WHY OH WHY is there soooo much input regarding these platforms from soooo may individuals that do not even own one or the other?!?…Please only speak from your experience. Ok, now that that’s off my chest, here is my input; I HAVE A PS3 and I’m impressed with it’s performance (I don’t know about the Xbox360), and yes 600 bucks is relatively high, but then again, I’ve spent a lot more on my girlfriend and this machine doesn’t complain as much!. So there you have it kids, PS3 is your friend, the girlfriend is the enemy….ATTACK!!

  25. After almost a month of playing, my PS3 has finally died. I am one of those guys that takes my hardware to the limit. I’ve seen how far my Accord could go without an oil change (30,000 + miles), and my GameCube wasn’t rebooted or turned off for almost a year…never quit on me. However, this is the first console I’ve ever owned that’s been this problematic. First problems I saw were with Call of Duty 3 and the game just kept freezing up…happened about 5 or 6 different times. That’s also when I saw it just shut off and I couldn’t turn it back on without unplugging the cord. I saw this same behavior a couple of times with Resistance, and now when I went back to Call of Duty 3, it finally just died completely. It is located on top of a speaker now that is about 5 feet tall, so there’s no heat next to it and it’s above all other items. I’m going to go return it for a new one, and hopefully there is a cooling unit out there. The bottom line is the unit does overheat. My Wii works perfect.

  26. if u spend an average of 4 hours of every day of the year on a console i suggest u get a life especcialy get a life for workin it out.

  27. Those calculation assume a ridiculously high rate of payment for electricity, of over 14 cents per kWh, which is a riduclously high rate for electricity, at the maximum consumption. 80 dollars a year is an unheard of cost.

  28. Iv’e had my PS3 for about 2 months and i bought the cooling fan for the back that seems to do a great job at keeping it cool. I’d say it kept mine about 30-40 degrees cooler i recommend PS3 owners to purchase this it’s only 29.99!

  29. i own both 360 and ps3…… i love them both…. i have the coolers for both and they work fine!!! only downfall is i cant seem to get msn messenger on ps3?? n e 1 managed to get it?? im currently usin ebuddy on it but no way as usefull as msn messenger!!!!! ppl add me [email protected] especiallyyif uve managed to get msn on ure ps3……… cheers

  30. Durrin when I wuz playin call of duty 4 the console turns off completely ! I’m choked I had it for two months ! When I tried to turn it back on the led light turn green den yellow den back to red…n its doesn’t turn on at all…dats bullsh@t !

  31. “Steve on October 30, 2006 7:02 PM
    This thing’s going to be more of a disaster than the XBOX 360. The best theory on why the 360’s hardware defects is that the system runs so hot that it eventually destroys its internal components. By pumping more energy into the PS3 it seems like the system will probably generate even more heat and also fry its internal components. Could Sony have forseen this and included technology to combat the heat? Doubtful. Like Microsoft, Sony only cares about how well their products work on paper and in press demonstrations. Neither company cares how well their products work in the real world and what’s why both of them have earned reputations for releasing utter sh**t onto the market.
    To anyone who manages to buy one of these things: buy an extended warrenty and an extended warrenty for your extended warrenty. You’re going to need it.”
    That’s why it’s not a good idea to commit preemptive strikes… The only disaster here was Sony’s third party software developers and your claim. That and the initially huge price tag.