Sony is really serious about chow, and to make sure that you find your nearest Noodle Bar. Their latest piece of software uses Wi-Fi to locate noodle restaurants. The X-Ramen Radar is a free PC application (no Macs on Sony) that relies on the PetaMap and PlaceEngine technologies to do the job. Basically they use the strength of any available WiFi signals to work out a precise location, rather like sat-nav without the GPS. X-Ramen Radar takes that location information and cross-references it with a database of restaurants that specialize in ramen noodles. It dishes out info on restaurants located within a radius of 3km and more info on the shops are just a click away!
Sony’s X-Ramen Radar WiFi enabled Noodle shop locator works good for those in Japan, maybe we should ask them to come up with some thing for the west as well. I got it…a Mac Donald locator!