Tag: Amplifier

  • Giant wooden megaphones amplify the sounds of the forest

    Giant wooden megaphones amplify the sounds of the forest

    A bunch of interior architecture students from the Estonian Academy of Arts have just created something that could change the way we listen to the forest. They have created giant wooden microphone that amplifies the sounds of the forest. The three megaphones are placed near RMK’s pähni nature centre. The sounds of the forest can…

  • Bluetooth Sound Enhancing Amplifier makes portable speakers sound cooler

    Bluetooth Sound Enhancing Amplifier makes portable speakers sound cooler

    You need to be a serious audiophile to find the need to buy a Bluetooth speaker, just so that you can play out loud the music you carry with you everywhere. And being an audiophile, it’s pretty obvious you prefer clearer sounds, deeper bass notes and crystal clean highs. To help make your Bluetooth music…

  • Obscenely awesome Opera Only amp from Andrea Pivetta can set you back $2 mn!

    Obscenely awesome Opera Only amp from Andrea Pivetta can set you back $2 mn!

    There’s rich sound and then there are rich people investing in rich sound. Such is the fate of the audiophile of today. For the latter half, we have something that takes sound aesthetics to a whole new high. The Opera Only high-end amplifier from Andrea Pivetta comes with a price tag but delivers a punch…

  • Nonlinear Studio’s Amplifier iPad accessory amplifies sans power, cable clutter

    Nonlinear Studio’s Amplifier iPad accessory amplifies sans power, cable clutter

    iPad users are quite vary about the fashion threat that their respective devices may suffer, should they pick a wrong accessory. Hence it is important to convince the gut in them that there lies some aesthetic beauty in every accessory you pitch to them. Nonlinear Studio has rolled out their new sound amplification system for…

  • Iris 9000 takes Siri to your entire room!

    Iris 9000 takes Siri to your entire room!

    When the Siri was incorporate in the iPhone 4S and introduced to the masses, we were so taken aback by its efficiency that we pretty much overlooked the fact that it was necessary to hold it up front, near your mouth. That’s why some smart moves and a few ideas from ThinkGeek have brought about…

  • boomCAN speakers take your mobile sound outside the portables

    boomCAN speakers take your mobile sound outside the portables

    Taking your music outside home isn’t much of a problem these days, with portable players that offer obscene amount of storage space. The problem is how you play the music that you’ve carried along. That’s where the boomCAN speakers come into the picture. They’re small and portable, just 2.5 inches tall and rechargeable via USB.…

  • Onkyo Outs TX-NA809 High Quality AV Amplifiers

    Onkyo Outs TX-NA809 High Quality AV Amplifiers

    Onkyo has long been in the business of dishing out quality home cinema and audio products. Their latest offering is TX-NA809 that is a 7.1ch AV amplifier with specs like Vida VHD1900 HQV video processor, front USP port and an improved chassis structure among other features. It also has the Wide Range Amplifier Technology (WRAT)…

  • Overcome cellphone antenna problems with Wilson Sleek’s in-car solution

    Overcome cellphone antenna problems with Wilson Sleek’s in-car solution

    Signal boosting antennas are totally in the game with the iPhone 4’s debacle. The Wilson Sleek does well to attach to the roof of your car so that it can suck in and amplify all the waves it needs to keep you connected at all times. As if that wouldn’t be addictive enough, there’s another…

  • The Devialet D-Premier Amplifier Makes Up for a Stunning Piece of Sound Equipment

    The Devialet D-Premier Amplifier Makes Up for a Stunning Piece of Sound Equipment

    Given the current scenario gadgets are not just about delivering cutting-edge technology and features. Be it a geek or someone with truckloads of money to burn, nobody buys stuff which doesn’t make a fashion statement in itself. The Devialet D-Premier Amplifier is a gorgeous piece of sound accessory that would do just more than exhaling…

  • Unpowered iPhone amp shaped like a horn

    Unpowered iPhone amp shaped like a horn

    Bring back the ways of the Vikings with this iPhone Bone Amp that’s shaped a lot like a horn. This unpowered amp uses the working principles of the shiny gramophone cones that ruled the sound sphere some decades ago. Made of silicon, that speakers sheaths one end of the iPhone and then trumpets sound through…