Tag: Cinema

  • London’s ‘Floating Cinemas’, because a theater on mainland is too mainstream

    London’s ‘Floating Cinemas’, because a theater on mainland is too mainstream

    Pioneered by Duncan Morris Architects and UP Projects, a British arts organization, the ‘Floating Cinemas’ have surfaced to bring most of London to the movies. The cinemas will move along the waterways of East London and will move across on a converted barge that happens to be the cinema screen. It will grace the waters…

  • PRIMA Cinema offers current releases at home for $500 a flick

    PRIMA Cinema offers current releases at home for $500 a flick

    That’s a lot of money, you may be wondering. But that’s how it goes when you get the latest in cinema on your doorstep. Movie lovers of the hard-core kind and film fraternity members would love to enjoy such delights from the comforts of their personal viewing areas at home. Thi Internet-based public version of…

  • London cinema employees Ninjas to confront rude movie goers

    London cinema employees Ninjas to confront rude movie goers

    An idiot next to you in a movie hall can ruin your movie experience but an idiot with a cell phone can ruin the movie for a lot of people, since an idiot and his cellphone are not parted a cinema in London has employed Ninjas to show them some manners. Unfortunately they don’t throw…

  • LG BH9520TW 3D Stereoscopic Cinema 3D Home Theater arrives in Korea

    LG BH9520TW 3D Stereoscopic Cinema 3D Home Theater arrives in Korea

    Here’s another interesting home entertainment systems waves at us from the eastern realm of technology. The LG BH9520TW 3D Stereoscopic Cinema 3D Home Theater system offers 360 degree real cinema 3D sound, a 9.1-channel setup, support for 3D cinema videos, DivX HD, MKV files, SD up scaling, Smart TV and DLNA support. The LG BH9520TW…

  • Sony VPL-VW1000ES Home Cinema Projector with 4096×2160 resolution, 3D

    Sony VPL-VW1000ES Home Cinema Projector with 4096×2160 resolution, 3D

    Sporting active shutter glasses while using a projector may seem strange. But that’s just the advantage of using the Sony VPL-VW1000ES Home Cinema Projector. This amazing projector takes all others and flings them far behind in the competitive race. Let the features do all the talking for us. The projector packs a brightness of 2000…

  • Mitsubishi introduces 92-inch 840 3D DLP Home Cinema TV

    Mitsubishi introduces 92-inch 840 3D DLP Home Cinema TV

    Bringing the cinema home wasn’t much of a problem when we didn’t see screens larger than 48-inches. Back then we’d ridicule ourselves to know that screens sized 92-inches and beyond would ever reach the assembly line. That’s where the Mitsubishi 840 3D DLP Home Cinema TV with a 92-inch TV fits in. Owing to the…

  • LG to bring forth Cinema 3D to monitors with D41P and D42P

    LG to bring forth Cinema 3D to monitors with D41P and D42P

    It’s time LG did something to upgrade their stagnating line of monitors. That’s just when we learn of the introduction of Cinema 3D, as the new feature in the monitors. The D41P and D42P are rolling in with considerable splendor. Resolutions of 1920 x 1080 pixels are now possible on monitor sizes ranging from 21.5-…