Tag: Coffee

  • Caffeine Zone application monitors your coffee intake

    Caffeine Zone application monitors your coffee intake

    Have you been sipping too much coffee lately? Well, your iPhone could now help you keep tabs on just how much caffeine enters your body. Called the Caffeine Zone, this free iOS application was developed by two doctors at the Penn State University, Frank E. Ritter and Kuo-Chuan Yeh. Keeping a wary eye on the…

  • Mario Pipe Coffee Mug breathes nostalgia

    Mario Pipe Coffee Mug breathes nostalgia

    Whoever must have decided that enough of all the mushrooms, game characters and monsters from Super Mario, are all done to death? So we got this coffee mug shaped like the much loved pipes from the game. It’s designed to look as real as possible. Additionally, you have the whole positivity to be lifted to…

  • The iTableous, a coffee table in essence a 10x scaled version of the iPhone 4

    The iTableous, a coffee table in essence a 10x scaled version of the iPhone 4

    Ever wished your iPhone was a lot bigger than a palm-sized device? Well, here’s a table that does just that, a massive iPhone shaped coffee table that not only looks like the good old Apple, but functions like the phone too! A 10x scaled version of the iPhone 4, the table sports a 40-inch screen…

  • Game of Thrones invites you to drink coffee like a king

    Game of Thrones invites you to drink coffee like a king

    It’s hard to get the image or Mr. Stark’s head rolling off his neck. It’s even harder to wait for the show’s next big season to come, sadly, after the winter’s gone. That’s just about what you need to bring in some GoT awesomeness to your home. This amazing Game of Thrones Sigil Mug will…

  • Enjoy music from your coffee table with The Acoustable

    Enjoy music from your coffee table with The Acoustable

    What some of us would give to get rid of appliances and furniture in our houses that totally crowd the whole place up? The Acoustable enters the arena with some brilliant playback, thanks to the in-built speakers. This saves you the trouble and cost of having satellite speakers with those fancy glass shelves to hold…

  • Nespresso PIXIE Machine can be your ‘personal’ coffee maker

    Nespresso PIXIE Machine can be your ‘personal’ coffee maker

    Imagine this. The rustic coffee machine on your office floor is totally doomed because of people jabbing the buttons incessantly and overusing it to keep them up through late nights. You, are not bothered though because you have your very own coffee machine nestled on your desk, making your desk the hub for ‘a cup…

  • Coffee Joulies, served perfect hot

    Coffee Joulies, served perfect hot

    Often enough our coffee cups lay untouched because its gone cold too soon, unless you like your cuppa steaming hot. Two young entrepreneurs have tackled this issue with a new product, the Coffee Joulies. This wonder can quickly cool your hot coffee bringing it to the right temperature, and then, more importantly, holds it at…

  • Australian gamer designs brilliant PS3 controller coffee table

    Australian gamer designs brilliant PS3 controller coffee table

    There are hardcore gamers and then there are those obsessed with the form of entertainment that they would go to all lengths to be surrounded by that which they love the most, their consoles, gaming rigs and controllers. Speaking of controllers, one such gamer, Mark M. from Australia, went all out on his plywood, home-made…

  • Tokyo Station Café Offers iPad Table Service

    Tokyo Station Café Offers iPad Table Service

    Not to be outdone by MacDonald’s musical shower booths, or Subway’s lettuce gardens, ease café in Marunouchi Building (the same building that houses the Subway salad garden outlet) is offering a free iPad service to all its customers. Situated opposite Tokyo Station, this café is a prime stop-off for “salarymen” (Japanese English) to enjoy a…

  • Android Makes Coffee and Chooses Your Tunes

    Android Makes Coffee and Chooses Your Tunes

    If you are too sleepy to be thinking about the differences between beans and beats in the morning, then look no further. The team at the Metatrend Institute have got together to come up with the perfect gadget for those who like a little caffeine boost accompanied by a little music to nurse them into…