Tag: DIY

  • VW Beetle lover designs home like his favorite car

    VW Beetle lover designs home like his favorite car

    I love the VW Beetle. Never mind that it was designed by a tyrant it’s my dream to own one someday, somehow. But do you ever notice, no matter how much you may be a fan of something, there’s always someone out there who makes you seem like you’re just an average follower? Well as…

  • Solar powered tank controlled by an iPhone

    Using TouchOSC on an iPhone alongside Processing and an Arduino, Chris Rojas created an Xbee tank which runs on solar power. DIY fans you will find all the parts used along with the code here. In the not too distant future maybe we will have iPhone controlled drones flying over Afghanistan. [Makezine]

  • DIY in-wall USB Charger Mod saves you the load of chargers

    DIY in-wall USB Charger Mod saves you the load of chargers

    You MP3 Player and mobile phone can now be charged easily with just the USB cable by your side, rather than a silly dock or a charger. All you need to do is pick a pair of USB chargers from USB and get rid of all the extra chassis. Do some simple wiring up and…

  • A cat feeder that can be controlled over the Internet

    A cat feeder that can be controlled over the Internet

    Now I don’t have to worry about Stinker no more. The feline menace that he is can be taken care of when I’m away, without needing my neighbors to feed the fur ball. Thanks to this cool remote cat-feeder idea and the bit of technical knowledge I have that can help me program this Cisco…

  • Wattson energy-saving reader concept

    Wattson energy-saving reader concept

    This is an interesting eco-friendly concept. It is very intelligently called as Wattson. It is defined as is an energy consumption reader and is designed by DIY Kyoto. It comes with a sensor clip that attaches to the electricity cables from the home’s meter to the fuse box and a transmitter that sends the information…

  • DIY Pacman Pouf

    DIY Pacman Pouf

    Here is an interesting weekend project. Designing a pouf in the shape of the ever famous Pacman. [Instructables]

  • Tesla Turbine Pencil Sharpener

    School season is back and instead of using a normal sharpener, why not make junior a Tesla Turbine sharpener which will do the trick at 2200 RPM. “It uses what is possibly the worlds simplest turbine. It’s made as a CD jewel case, using two CD discs and four magnets as the rotor. The magnets…

  • Lazy father makes the computer rock his baby to sleep

    This was inevitable. The amount of time that people normally spend online is proportionate to the odd ways of behavioral traits we see them exhibiting. This one father was lazy to get up and rock his baby the conventional way so he programmed a solution. Yes, literally. He used a Linux box and a custom…

  • DIY Magic Mirror

    DIY Magic Mirror

    Instead of commenting on your looks this mirror will tell you about the local weather and how your stocks are doing. Everything you need to make it is sold as a kit. “Take that extra PC you have lying around and turn it into an Interactive Magic Mirror. You build the hardware using an Arduino…

  • Kenyan remote controls his home with a mobile phone

    Simon Mwuara has hardwired his home such that he can open / close front door, control lights and even brew his tea all with a cell phone. [BBG]