Tag: Dock

  • ThermoDock iPhone plug-in accessory plays nurse and takes temperatures

    ThermoDock iPhone plug-in accessory plays nurse and takes temperatures

    Here’s a way to have the ever-applicable iPhone now double up as a substitute nurse. Called the ThermoDock, this infrared-based device plugs into iPhones and with the help of a free application called the VitaDock available off the App Store, reads temperatures by simply pointing it at one’s forehead, or at any surface for that…

  • Video: Bandai ‘SmartPet’ iPhone Robot Dogs bring your iPhone to life

    Video: Bandai ‘SmartPet’ iPhone Robot Dogs bring your iPhone to life

    You may have seen your iPhone as a friend in lonely times, a bath-mate, a study pal or even an accountant. What you didn’t know is that inanimate object that you call a phone and talk to, can now maneuver around and serve as a cool canine pet. This docking station makes up for a…

  • JVC brings for iPod and iPhone nightstand speaker

    JVC brings for iPod and iPhone nightstand speaker

    JVC have added a touch of excellence to their line of iPod and iPhone devices by introducing the 2 x 30 watt N-BX3 nightstand speaker. Besides the beauty you also have the amazing sound quality to go with it and yes, one less nightstand in the house. The N-BX3 comes in both, black and white.…

  • Atari 2600 iPhone Dock revives old memories

    Atari 2600 iPhone Dock revives old memories

    The days of Atari ruling the world of gaming is gone past. We now stand at the brink of revolutionized gaming. The kind that makes sure that you are in the game rather than before it. Just why the Atari 2600 iPhone Dock takes the cake as one of the awesomest retro consoles. It is…

  • Armstar BodyGuard iPhone Dock will make Bond proud

    Armstar BodyGuard iPhone Dock will make Bond proud

    Of all the things that thrill the gadget-hungry is an exoskeleton that will have gizmos on them. It doesn’t get any prettier than the Armstar BodyGuard iPhone Dock. This docking system has all you would look forward to for portability. As the name suggests, it goes on to your arm and stays there, safe. A…

  • AOC iPhone Dock Display takes your iOS tunes to all around you

    AOC iPhone Dock Display takes your iOS tunes to all around you

    The AOC e2343Fi display adds some exciting new features including that of an iOS device docking system. The 23-inch widescreen display serves well to bring to you every sensibility and detail that you wouldn’t like missing out on. The stand/dock is placed right in the center portion of the setup and supports both, iPhones and…

  • The worlds first Brass tube speaker dock for the iPhone

    The worlds first Brass tube speaker dock for the iPhone

    Japan based Pleiades designs has unveiled the Trumstand which is the worlds first iPhone dock which has a horn shaped speaker made of brass. Compatible with iPhone 3G and above it uses the vibrations in the air to amplify the sound from the iPhone’s speaker. The horns are 0.5mm thick and are carefully handmade to…

  • Bracketron USB-powered dock charges your iPhone

    Bracketron USB-powered dock charges your iPhone

    When you come across a USB-powered dock that fits in cozily, into the cigarette lighter chamber of your car, you are bound to be glad. Not only because it serves does the purpose of changing your car into an entertainment hub, but also charge your phone. At least in case of the Bracketron USB-powered dock,…

  • Un-Alarm Clock charges you iDevices, uses wrist band for gentle wakes

    Un-Alarm Clock charges you iDevices, uses wrist band for gentle wakes

    Waking up on a cozy bed can be a real devil. You need someone or something soothing to make sure that you’re up in the best spirits, without a rough nudge or a splash of water coming from anywhere. That’s where you can turn to the Un-Alarm Clock that does a fine job of gently…

  • Acrylic iPad 2 dock also accommodates your iPhone 4

    Acrylic iPad 2 dock also accommodates your iPhone 4

    Whenever you look at the works of Apple, in regard to design sense and aesthetic touch, you would come across a clean look with brilliant ergonomics and user-friendly interfaces. So, why not reflect something as cool with your iAccessories too? That’s what the Acrylic iPad 2 dock is all about. This is reminiscent to the…