Korea gets unstable robot dog called SimLab SQ1
Finally we have something more fun to look forward to, from the world of robotics. Behold the SimLab SQ1 robot dog. This is a Government-tested rival to AlphaDog, some would say. Currently, it only manages to move around with wobbly feet but soon we hope to see the ‘fully-formed’, less-comical version of this virtual pet…
Now a washing machine for dogs
I suppose if you have a ‘Hotel for Dogs’, you can’t be faltering with appearances. Our Japanese friends have now introduced a washing machine for your pets, installed at a pet supermarket called Joyful Honda in Tokyo. Now before you hit panic button, this little smart machine can wash and blow dry your pets for…
Sega Toys unveils its Nintendo Wappy Dog
If you’re looking to upgrade your i-Dog, a new toe tapping robotic puppy is now available to keep you company. Called the Wappy Dog, the little monster is the latest innovation from Sega Toys, who is expected to release it along with a video game for the Nintendo DS. First things first, the adorable little…
LED Dog Collar for those nocturnal hunting trips
Mostly we aren’t concerned about where we could possibly lose our dogs. They’re just blessed with the natural instinct to find their way home. But then, there are those one-off situations where dogs get all worked up and stressed and simply isolate themselves from the world to attain their inner nirvana. That’s where this amazing…
Ground your pooch with an escape provider
If you aren’t secure about your pet sticking to the indoors (abnormal to some, as it may sound) then here’s immediate action for you. The Dog Escape Preventer may have too literal a name but it is effective to some notable degree. It’s basically just a barrier that prevents your dog from leaping over and…
Dog beer is here for more good times
I know those who share everything from beds to bathrooms to beefed up diets to clothing with their pet dogs but when it comes to sipping some beer, the pooch is clueless. So to give your dog a chance to experience the chilly awesomeness of some good beer we have the dog beer. It is…
TakaraTomy Dog translator – You will finally know if Fluffy like Pedigree
Japanese toy maker TakaraTomy has announced an upgrade to the Bowlingual. A device which was released in the early 2000’s and claimed to translate the dog barks and emotions for you. Just place the microphone on Fluffy’s collar and BowLingual Voice will speak on your dog’s behalf. It has a vocabulary of 100 words, male…
Japanese develop ringtones for dogs
‘Inu ni shika kikoenai chakushinon’! Isn’t that cool!!! Oh well here’s the translation: ringtones only dogs can hear. What made them do this I do not know but having you dog get into frenzy because of a bugging buzz emitted from your phone isn’t the most ideal scenario. Ringtones irritate those around us if they…
California Company plans to make 5 clones of dogs
A California company is planning a string of online auctions next month to clone five dogs, with the bidding to start at $100,000. As it is, scientists consider dogs among the most difficult animals to clone because they have an unusual reproductive biolog. Even more so than humans. But the company behind the auctions, BioArts…