INQ’s plans for a Twitter phone materialized
INQ’s Facebook specific phone was a sure good concept. Let’s not talk about the sales figures as of now but what I can really say is that this new Twitter phone of theirs is bound to keep Tweetheads on their toes. There are actually two phones on line, the INQ Mini and the INQ Chat.…
Bill Gates gives up Facebook after receiving 10,000 add requests
The richest man in the world can surely be a great friend to you. You in turn can always play the friend-in-need role or at least hope that he invites you to one of the many parties that he hosts. But alas, that’s not possible anymore. Bill Gates, finally decided to give up the idea…
Script of Facebook movie leaked: Girl problem again
It’s high time they get over this theme, but the girl trouble thing, with the victimized guy losing all his Facebook friends seems too cliché a topic to deal with (sparing the Facebook part). The makers of the Facebook movie should have thought better than that. After all, not all of have the caliber to…
Chinese government blocks Facebook and Amazon in a bid to curb politically sensitive information
The Chinese government is at it again! Last month, they blocked Google claming it spread pornography among its internet users. This time they have made Facebook and Amazon websites inaccessible to block politically sensitive information and books as result of the violent protests in the western part of the country. The Chinese government maintains a…
MyDeskFriend responds with moods, connects to Facebook
If you ever dreamt of owning a penguin but was thwarted since you don’t have a frigid zone-like environment in your office then here’s your chance to get even with the thwarters. MyDeskFriend is a penguin that moves about your desk and connects to Facebook, thus giving you alerts about messages that come in and…
US Military to turn to social networks for better interaction, information of common man
There’s enough of accolades received by the soldiers for their brave work in Afghanistan, countering those senile Taliban troops and all. However, everything we heard about the conflict there has only been fed to us by newspapers and a rather biased media. The only way one could learn about the real scenario there would be…
Facebook to support unlimited friends soon says Zuckerberg
I’m looking forward to when people can have unlimited connections on Facebook soon! The current limit according to Facebook engineers is 5000 friends. Following this the ratio of real friends to virtual will surely fall more. [Twitter]
Facebookers with countless friends only keep in touch with the chosen few
On my initial outings at the social networking sites, it baffled my mind as to how Facebookers managed to find so many friends, and keep in touch with all of them. If one was to guesstimate it would take hours from a person’s week and days from a month to keep in touch with 100…
Top Neuroscientist’s warning to parents – social websites harm children’s brain
Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent scientist has warned. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo are said to shorten attention spans, encourage instant gratification and make young people more self-centered. These are some of the claims by neuroscientist Susan Greenfield that will make disturbed reading for…