Tag: Guitar

  • Harmonix/MTV team up wit Fender for guitar controller hybrid

    Harmonix/MTV team up wit Fender for guitar controller hybrid

    If you aren’t too comfortable with the Rock Band 3 having all those buttons on its being then you can totally dig this cool hybrid that has come into being, thanks to an alliance with Guitar Gods, Fender. It’s a six stringer in actual that also serves as a guitar controller. The data will be…

  • i-Tab reminds you what to play next

    i-Tab reminds you what to play next

    There have been numerous times when we’ve needed a last minute addition to the band without any time to practice. Now there cannot be anything worse than having the new guy goof up on stage, hence you cannot really take his word about him knowing all the tracks to be played. So the solution is…

  • Evertune Bridge keeps your guitar tuned, all the time

    Evertune Bridge keeps your guitar tuned, all the time

    Here’s a fantastic piece of news for guitarists. The embarrassing moment on stage, tuning their guitar while the crowd and the rest of the band look on can now by put past them. The Evertune Bridge brings to life something that guitarists have always dreamt of. The bridge keeps all strings tuned at all times.…

  • Guitars with LEDs should have belonged to Pink Floyd

    Guitars with LEDs should have belonged to Pink Floyd

    With all the light shows that their gigs were famous for, Pink Floyd could really do well with these cool LED lit guitars on stage. Thanks to the illumination he has added to this lucky Gibson guitar, Moritz Waldemeyer has become a brighter face in the crowd. However, these were mainly created for the Indie…

  • Blackbird Rider Ferrari Guitar costs $1,500

    Blackbird Rider Ferrari Guitar costs $1,500

    You cannot be the combination of both and now lust deeply for this one. By both i mean, a guitar-freak-cum-Ferrari-collectible guy. This one may be one of those highly-priced, limited edition guitar that costs a hell lot, but then it has those same strings that your good old box did, and the same fret board…

  • Logitech launches high-end Guitar controller for Wii

    Logitech launches high-end Guitar controller for Wii

    After launching the Wireless Guitar Controller for Sonly PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360, Logitech is planning to bring the same peripheral for Wii as well in North America and Europe this coming October. The controller will have a white colored body unlike its black and orange color for the PS3 and 360 respectively. It will…

  • Logitech Wireless Guitar Controller for Xbox 360- for gamers who want to unleash their inner rock star

    Logitech Wireless Guitar Controller for Xbox 360- for gamers who want to unleash their inner rock star

    Logitech today announced the Logitech wireless Guitar Controller for Xbox 360. Licensed for Guitar Hero and featuring authentic materials – including a wood neck, a rosewood fingerboard and metal frets – the guitar controller is for gamers who truly want to unleash their inner rock star. It’s also licensed for Xbox 360, so setup is…

  • Guitar Hero Cufflinks to flash at the next party you go to

    Dressing up for your best friends wedding is not that hard especially if you know he is a geek too. These Guitar Hero cufflinks are extremely geeky gifts you could hand over to your boyfriend or men could even wear it at a casual party to show off. The Guitar Hero Cufflinks will cost you…

  • Light Guitar Rock

    I was never a rock fan so I cannot comment on the audio but the video made using a unique photography technique is simply amazing. Using a photography technique called “light painting”, I took an individual photo for each fret and body component on my Gibson Les Paul and colourized each image in Photoshop. Using…

  • Boy breaks Guitar Hero record along with his controller

    Boy breaks Guitar Hero record along with his controller

    Danny Johnson, 14, of Grapevine, Tex., set a new world record in Guitar Hero III by earning an astonishing 973,954 points playing DragonForce’s “Through the Fire and Flames” at a Guinness World Records event in Manhattan. Players rack up points by hitting buttons on a plastic guitar controller in time to the music, this guy…