Tag: india

  • India to develop hydrogen fuelled bus engines

    India to develop hydrogen fuelled bus engines

    With oil prices hovering around $100 to a barrel and the ever glooming threat of global warming is forcing companies and governments to reconsider the excessive use of fuels that release greenhouse gases which cause changes in weather patterns. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has collaborated with the country’s largest commercial vehicle manufacturer Tata motors…

  • iPhone in India (un) officially available

    iPhone in India (un) officially available

    We reported all about the fuss going on Germany regarding legally selling unlocked iPhone; but did you know that an enterprising offer is available to Citibank and Diners Club Card members in India. A company called Compact International is offering the card members an iPhone that “works on all Indian networks.” On offer is the…

  • India and Russia to develop 5th generation stealth fighter

    India and Russia to develop 5th generation stealth fighter

    After developing the supersonic cruise missile Brahmos, India and Russia have come together once again to develop a fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft (FGFA). At present the only operational fifth-generation fighter in the world is the F-22 Raptor which comes at a cost of $258 million per piece which makes it the most expensive combat aircraft…

  • Google services including Search, Gmail and Blogger have multiple vulnerabilities

    Google services including Search, Gmail and Blogger have multiple vulnerabilities

    The Government of India has sounded an alert that many Google services including its search engine, email and photo-sharing software, have multiple vulnerabilities. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERTIN), working under the department of information technology (DIT), has also noted a “persistent email theft issue” which affects the popular GMail service. The advisory has…

  • India planning a 7 satellite constellation for navigation

    India planning a 7 satellite constellation for navigation

    India plans to build a constellation of seven geostationary satellites at a cost of Rs 1,600 crore ($ 400 million) to meet the navigational system requirements in cars, trains and aircraft. The first launch will be sometime in 2010 and the remaining satellite will be up in orbit by 2012. The seven geo-stationary satellites will…

  • Planet to be named after Indian boy

    A few people have roads named after them, some others have buildings but a boy from Bombay-India has a minor ice planet somewhere in the depths of solar system named after him. Rishin Behl presented a project at an engineering fair organized by Intel in the USA which has earned him the honor and a…

  • Unlocked iPhone coming to India soon

    Unlocked iPhone coming to India soon

    Here we are struggling in our lines or hiring people to get us the latest iPhone, but the lucky blokes in India seem to have an efficient network in the gray market that has already devised ways of crackling the code…err…rather unlocking the phone so that users can use the phone with their home networks.…

  • Smoking Room at an IT firm

    Smoking Room at an IT firm

    This is actually an on-the-ceiling poster in the smoking room at an IT firm in Mumbai, India. Thanks Deepa

  • Indian politicians fear the USS NImitz

    Indian politicians fear the USS NImitz

    The mighty 90,000 tonne aircraft carrier USS Nimitz will be docking at the Southern Indian city of Chennai early next month as part of a joint defense exercise. Following the news local politicians made a huge outcry fearing that the Nimitz might be carrying nuclear weapons and also because they thought that radiation from the…

  • Microsoft launches $500 PC in India

    Microsoft launches $500 PC in India

    Microsoft has partnered with AMD and launched another low cost PC in India. Beginning next month, Microsoft and its partners plan to start selling the IQ PC through computer retailers, bookshops and other stores in Bangalore and Pune, with plans to sell it throughout the country by November. Made by Zenith Computers the computers are…