Asahi working on the perfect beer dispensing robot, it takes 12 seconds per glass with Zero waste
Ever get annoyed standing at a bar in a crowded club waiting for a pitiful glass of beer to drown your sorrows in? Let’s not kid ourselves; we’ve all had this problem at one time or another and more frequently for those who party harder than most. Well it just so happens that the people…
Automatic fuel-filling robot tops up cars quickly and efficiently!
The future is here. No longer do you need to swing open the door of your car and walk to the gas pump to fill up your gas-guzzler’s starving belly with fuel. No longer do you need to just stand there and look around as your car fills up, leaving you with nothing to do…
Robot with SOINN artificial brain now uses internet to learn new things
Scientist and researchers haven’t quite been successful in making robots that can think, act by itself and imitate proper human intelligence. But there is a lot of ongoing research on it, and a group of scientists from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, are making progress by leaps and bounds. They are working on a technology…
Overdrive’s SmartBot transforms a Smartphone into an Uber-cool Camera Robot
Want to give your smartphone its own set of legs — or wheels in this case? Then Overdrive’s “SmartBot” is just the thing you’re looking for. This tiny little Bot with two motorised wheels might look ridiculously simple, but things it can do makes it way too cool, and wait till you hear the price-tag!…
The Mantis Turbo Diesel Hexapod Walking Machine is right out of a video game
Enough of seeing those games with the giant creepy crawlies in their mechanical glory sprouting out of nowhere and pelting your simulation being to shards. It’s time we saw something real of the sort. This prayer has been answered with the becoming of the Mantis Turbo Diesel Hexapod Walking Machine. It weighs nearly about two…
uBot-5 bot helps 72-year old stroke patient recover with speech and physical therapy
Robots have done their part in facilitating humans in the realm of healthcare. Thanks to their precision and tireless concentration, robots are soon becoming more prominent personalities in operation theaters Take the case of the uBot-5 robot for instance. This child-size humanoid robot has the usual arms and a computer screen through which therapists can…
Famicon, Japan’s NES, hacked to control a robot
Famicon is a name in Japan, synonymous to ‘NES’ in the United States. It’s been around since the 1980s and has its own cult of followers. Hence it’s no surprise that we still see fans taking control of the back-end and going on to hack the system to control a robot. The brain behind the…
Japanese Smart Trash Can knows where your trash will fall
As smart as it gets, the Smart Trash Can idea from Japan is something many a household could do with. Developed by Minoru Kurata, an engineer working with a Japanese auto maker, this excellent concept went on to win an Excellence Award at the Japan Media Arts Festival. The trash can comes with a sensor…
A Roomba type tiny robot that cleans your tablet and smartphone screen automatically
What is the key characteristic of a Japanese toy? The cute factor beats the functionality by such a long margin that you must have it. This is exactly the case with the ‘Automee S’ from Takara Tomy. Think of it as a tiny Roomba so small that it actually fits in the palm of a…
Alpha robot beats Spongebob with 360 burgers an hour
We’re on the brink of a revolution in the food industry and Momentum Machines adds a bit of electronics, robotics and mechanics to the production of burgers. The robot, known for its speed, comes with a promise of producing ‘gourmet quality burgers at fast food prices’. It works on a conveyor belt-like system that customizes…