Is this Smeagol we see dead? Or maybe a shaved Sid the Sloth!
Well, children can get quite spiteful sometimes. A battle between humans and a Gollum resulted in the death of the latter at a Panama beach. The poor creature (that’s actually something of a slot) was beaten with sticks. He lies with his tongue sticking out, thoroughly lifeless. The poor creature seems haggard. Some kids in…
USB Mosquito repellant
Here is something really weird and I have no idea if this will work also. It is the USB powered mosquito repellent dongle. It is similar to the other electronic pest deterrents by generating a repellent field that is sensitive for some insects. The manufacturer also claims that by plugging this into any USB socket,…
Gift yourself the hacked up, severed version of your own body [Not for Extortionists and Godfathers]
How perfect could it get from here? All that I did was take this harmless quiz on Facebook that somehow threw a result claiming that I’m a barbaric sadist. After that I’ve been blaming the damn quiz for all the dark fantasies I’ve had. I wanted to see how my arms look when slit so…
Fart Smell-O-Meter will measure your gas power
I have been secretly hoping to catch the culprit who pollutes the 9AM bus to work every morning. With the similar faces passing those innocent smiles at me it’s hard to tell who the one behind the bowel bombardment is. However, here’s the Smell-O-Meter that will tell you how intense the gas thus passed out…
Financial controller sacked over CAPS in email to colleagues
I have heard it is really hard for some people to let go of others in a company – I mean telling someone on their face that they have been fired is the worst job on earth. Then there are other ways of getting the person to quit – which in turn backfires. This lady,…
iDrops iPhone concept
This picture does speak a few words. [iLounge]
Anti-Burglar Mat is better than a mousetrap
Innovation knows no bounds. Ideas flow into both, the busiest and the idlest minds. So we have something right out of a Tom & Jerry classic. It’s called the Anti-Burglar Mat and makes thieves think twice before breaking into any home. Since most thieves do not go through gizmo blogs all that often, this idea…
Data adds weight to your hard drive
Does your Xbox or PC feel heavier? Could it be because of all the data loaded onto it? Why not, everyone has their doubts and no matter how stupid you should always get them cleared on a public forum. A hilarious response after the jump
What not to do at an Apple store
Watching p*rn on a 23 inch screen with no privacy filter in a public space is definitely a bad idea. [Fayerwayer]
Darth Vader dances to Hammer’s Cant touch this – Why?
Darth Vader along with a couple of Storm troopers shake a leg on MC Hammer’s – Can’t touch this. This was performed at the Star Wars Weekends event at one of the theme parks. Upset Star Wars fans check out Peter from Family Guy doing ‘Cant touch Me’ after the jump.