Tomo-e Gozen observation system equipped with 84 Canon ultra-high-sensitivity CMOS sensors commences full operation
Canon announced today that 84 of Canon’s ultra-high-sensitivity CMOS sensors provided to the University Of Tokyo Institute Of Astronomy’s Kiso Observatory have been employed as part of Tomo-e Gozen, a new observation system on a 105 cm Schmidt telescope that will commence full operation from October 2019. The wide-field video camera of Tomo-e Gozen uses…
World’s biggest telescope being built to look for outer-space life-forms
Brushing shoulders with extra terrestrials could soon be more than just a sci-fi flick’s script! Now, the world’s biggest telescope, costing a whopping 1 billion pounds, will begin its search for life forms in the outer space. Called the European Extremely Large Telescope or the E-ELT, this one will be the biggest instrument of its…
SETI Allen Telescope Array to begin search for alien life forms again
SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Array was shut down a while ago, and alien hunters around the globe were left in bitter disappointment, with news of the array being shut down doing the rounds. For those who’ve been hoping to make contact with extra-terrestrial life all along, we’ve got some exciting news for you! Having had…
South Africa and Australia in space-race to get permission to build largest, most expensive telescope
The space race is still on, but it’s evolved to more aspects of viewing and interaction with the outer limits of our world. For instance, at the moment a race is on between Australia and South Africa to see who can secure the winning bid to build the world’s largest telescope. In addition to it…
World’s largest telescope stretches a mile below Antarctica
The larger the tool, the larger is the catch. Such is the motto behind the development of the world’s largest telescope. The astronomers who’re behind the making of this one are taking their trade to the next level by building it under the Antarctic ice. It’s called IceCube and will be created using thousands of…
New Telescope can see a lot farther than Hubble
Here’s a ground-based telescope that will bring to life the real looks of everything around us before the darned atmospheric effects took shape. By these, I mean the distorted visions of telescopic astral bodies that are far away that makes stars twinkle and appear as if they were tiny diamonds in the distance. However, this…
NASA Telescope spots ‘God’s Hand’ in deep space
The Hubble spotted the Firefox logo and what you see above is the divine hand as spotted by Chandra Observatory telescope. The image, taken by NASA’s space-based Chandra Observatory telescope, shows an X-ray nebula 150 light years across. NASA says the display is caused by a young and powerful pulsar, known by the rather prosaic…
ALMA the largest telescope will beat the Hubble 10 times over
Not so long ago we covered an article about the 28-wheeler antenna transporter, which turns on a dime, to build the 66 radio telescopes to build a radio telescope like no other. The project called ALMA is based 16,500 ft. above sea level. The Chajnantor Plain in the Chilean Andes was chosen following a worldwide…
The Trans-Atlantic Telectroscope connects NY to London
At the risk of sounding like a sci-fi fiction premise, the Trans-Atlantic Telectroscope offers hope a unique way of connecting the people of New York and London. Started out as a dream project of the eccentric Victorian engineering entrepreneur Alexander Stanhope St George, a tunnel that lay idle all these years has been fitted with…
LBT – Beats the hell out of the Hubble
When we think of telescopes we usually think of the Hubble space program. Ever wondered what happened to the good old optical telescopes? Huge telescopes already exist which operate in parts of the spectrum invisible to the human eye – from low-frequency radio waves beyond infrared to high-frequency gamma rays beyond ultraviolet – but no…