Tag: Theft

  • BMW X5 rams into California Apple store in vain burglary attempt

    How far, I ask my Apple-fanatic cronies, would you go to get a hold of all the Apple products you could? Some talk about putting their savings on the line, others would trade their body organs and so forth. Not that they’d actually mean it. One Equonne R. Howard decided a more subtle approach but…

  • Grand Theft Auto III to touch iOS and Android platforms soon

    Grand Theft Auto III to touch iOS and Android platforms soon

    Being someone who could swear by Rockstar Games, I totally am kicked about the whole idea of having Grand Theft Auto III arriving on the Android and iOS platforms. This is in celebration of the titles 10th year completion. Some of the devices that will benefit from this release are the iPad 2, iPhone 4…

  • The best revenge a prostitute had on a geek cheat

    The best revenge a prostitute had on a geek cheat

    We, at NewLaunches, do our best to give you the dope on new market launches. We also focus on trends of the gizmo world and often land up on vague stories of absurd happenings. One such tale is that of the prostitute named Kandalaria. Ms. K has just brought a whole new wave of revengeful…

  • Counter guitar thefts, even if they rarely happen, with Rock Lock

    Counter guitar thefts, even if they rarely happen, with Rock Lock

    What are the odds of your band member losing his guitar? What are the odds that the thief could do anything worthwhile with an instrument that doesn’t really have good kick-ass resale value (considering he’s not a guitarist)? What are the odds that you’re in a competitive band in the first place? Whatever be the…

  • Plan to steal a phone in Somalia? Prepare to lose your limbs

    Plan to steal a phone in Somalia? Prepare to lose your limbs

    It is a painful fact that should make headlines in the international news but it makes it here since it does have something, slightly technically inclined. The fact the stealing cellophones can land you up losing your limbs in the presence of a multitude is more alarming than the fact that this news hasn’t really…